Saturday, September 12, 2009

Our Pick of Pics- P.S. Exhibit

P.S Exhibit
started off kind of slow, I'm not going to lie...

(I took this photo of our neighbor's cat, from inside The Jazz Gallery.)

Even so, we got a lot of foot traffic, and the message wall was a hit!

Rabbi, The Flower Guy set us up real well...

and then 4th Street Elevator arrived, and everything changed...

Several people brought out their own instruments to play along...

Elmo sat still and was quiet. (!) Seriously, these guys were magic...

Spontaneous dancing occurred...

in between the Pillars of Peace...

Finally, a packed gallery...

That's what we like!

This exhibit is up until September 26th, 2009.

A few more photos of this exhibit, and a video are located here.